Contact Us
Costumer Service
cl-phone--Local: 1-800-221-2350 International calls: +1-201-896-3600 Opening hours: Mon–Fri: 09.00–19.00 Sat: 09.00–17.00 Sun: 10.00–19.00 EBG/EBD: 24h service
Hotel Service
GAAP Airline provides hotel services for all our passengers. This service suits our international passengers traveling from outside the country who have a connecting flight to their final destination.
My Bagage
My Baggage allows you to check the status of your baggage online. Through this feature, you may, notify us about delayed baggage or if you left the airport without reporting it. Contact us if you have more questions.
Costumer Care line
You can also contact our Customer Care team directly at: GAAP AirwaysCustomer. CarePO Box 225550, GAAP Fax:+97440225336